Drought Update

Drought Updates Archive


October 13, 2021


On Friday, Oct. 15, 2021, SJW将提交建议函569,请求CPUC授权激活附表14.1 of our Water Shortage Contingency Plan.  平台登录的请求包括从11月15日起启动拨款和干旱附加费计划, 2021.

A public hearing will be held on Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 3 PM. You can register for the webinar to learn more. Our public notice is available in English and Spanish. For those without internet access, please call US: +1 669 219 2599. Webinar ID: 980 3990 0972. 

SJW的强制性环保计划肯定了客户的努力,同时鼓励其他人尽自己的一份力量.  It sets a minimum monthly allocation where drought surcharges would not apply.  使用量超过这一数字的客户需要在2019年的基础上减少15%的使用量.  Since most of the conservation focus is on outdoor watering, 平台登录的专业景观客户也将被要求减少15%的使用量,以避免干旱附加费.

在过去的20年里,供水的挑战似乎变得更加频繁和严重.  The last drought that ended in 2017 was described as historic. Today, this drought is described as historic.  When the same word is used too often, it no longer has quite the same impact.  Perhaps we need to consider this the “new normal” as we look to the future.

The water supply outlook is somewhat grim.  Reservoirs throughout the state are at historic lows for this time of year.  La Nina conditions, which usually portend lower than average precipitation, are forming in the Pacific Ocean.  According to the United States Geological Service, 加州在即将到来的季节需要平均降雨量的140%才能接收平均降雪和降雨的径流.  Unfortunately, there are not many years where we get this kind of volume.  现实情况是,如果大自然母亲不提供即将到来的秋冬,2022年将需要额外的保护.

August 31, 2021

What is a Super Saver?

A Super Saver is defined as someone who already uses less than 5 units of water per month. These people do not need to reduce their water consumption by 15%. We thank them and greatly appreciate their efforts.


The Goal is to NOT penalize Super Savers, but to support them. DG真人游戏务公司意识到这些客户无法在用水时减少15%的用水量, only 2 CCF of water per month.



What is the latest update of the Water Contingency Plan?

Our updated filing for Schedule 14.1 takes this into account. Our proposed plan will be reviewed by the CPUC for approval. Approval of the plan does not mean the plan goes into effect. 在该计划实施之前,将举行公开听证会,CPUC必须批准该计划.

该计划认可那些已经并将继续节约能源的客户的努力,同时鼓励其他人也这样做. The proposed updates set a minimum consumption number at which drought surcharges would not apply. 如果住宅用户的用电量低于每月的抗旱配额,则无需缴纳抗旱附加费.

平台登录提出的计划还包括基于客户个人过去在2019年的使用情况的分配. Valley Water之所以选择2019年进行比较,是因为这是降雨正常的最后一年. 与平台登录几年前的计划不同,没有一个分配给所有的住宅客户. 使用高于最低抗旱配额的客户将根据其2019年使用量的15%获得配额.

See table below for minimum drought allocation amount:

Minimum Drought Allocations* - 2019 Base Year


2019 Average Monthly

Residential Usage (CCF)

15% Reduction

Minimum Monthly 

Drought Allocations (CCF)

January                     10                     9
February                       7                     6
March                      7                     6
April                      7                     6
May                      9                     8
June                    10                     9
July                    13                    11
August                    13                    11
September                    15                    13
October                    13                    11
November                    14                    12
December                    11                      9

*Please note that the minimum allocations above are monthly, however, residential customers will have bi-monthly allocations.

August 5, 2021

Water Contingency Plan Update

Santa Clara County is facing an extreme drought emergency. If or when a water contingency plan needs to be in place, we have to be ready! 这可能是一个漫长的审批过程,SJW一直在为所有可能的情况做准备,以便平台登录能够满足社区的用水需求

该计划的细节必须在加州公用事业委员会备案. Thus, there are two steps to the process:

  1. File an updated Schedule 14.1 with the CPUC.
  2. Implement the updated Schedule 14.1 when and if it is appropriate and approved by the CPUC.

We are submitting Schedule 14.1 updates to the CPUC on August 5th. 此文件并不意味着客户的计费程序有任何变化. Water use restrictions are in place. However, there are no allocations or drought surcharges at this time.

A copy of the Water Contingency Plan FAQs is available for your review.

June 23, 2021

San Jose Water is encouraging its 230,5万名客户立即开始节约用水,以应对山谷水公司宣布的干旱紧急情况, its water wholesaler, which provides approximately 90% of the water supply for SJW customers. All residential, business and commercial customers are asked to cut water usage by 15% from 2019 levels.

At this time, there will not be any customer drought surcharges (penalties) for excess water use, however, we are asking all of our customers to comply. 公司致力于帮助客户进行环保工作,并提供一切机会实现目标的减少使用.

SJW will continue to monitor water usage. If the desired level of conservation is not achieved by August 31, 2021, the Company may need to adjust its response. 如果加州公用事业委员会或其他政府机构要求,这可能包括征收干旱附加费.

Under its updated Rule 14.1 Water Shortage Contingency Plan, SJW is aligning this plan with its 2020 Urban Water Management Plan, and activating Stage 3 of its Water Shortage Contingency Plan.  Mandatory water use restrictions under this plan focus on outdoor water use, which accounts for half of the average household’s total use. A complete list of rules can be found at

Complete press release here

June 18, 2021

After two critically dry years, on June 9, 2021, Valley Water, the County’s water supply agency and wholesaler to SJW and other water utilities, declared a drought emergency and established a 15% mandatory conservation based on 2019 usage. 

SJW正在遵循Valley Water的建议,要求所有客户在2019年节约15%的用水量.  平台登录已经向加州公用事业委员会(CPUC)提交了563建议书,以启动平台登录的水资源短缺应急计划的第三阶段. 

At this time, SJW is not including drought surcharges (penalties) as part of response平台登录致力于帮助客户进行环保工作,并希望为他们提供每一个成功的机会.

We will continue to monitor our customers’ response. However, if the desired level of conservation is not achieved by August 31, 2021, we will adjust our response. This could include the imposition of drought surcharges, if authorized by the CPUC.

June 16, 2021

Extreme Drought 101: Ways to Cut Back on Your Water Use

As announced by Valley Water on June 9, 2021,  our community is experiencing an extreme drought emergency. 平台登录要求所有客户尽最大努力节约用水,这样平台登录就可以实现(从2019年的水平)减少15%的目标. Because outdoor watering tends to be the easiest way to cut back and conserve, we’ve put together some tips to help you reduce water use.

  1. Limits on Watering Days: Watering or irrigating of lawns, landscape or other vegetated areas should only happen 2-3 days a week, not every day. Schedule watering for evenings or early mornings (even the middle of the night works!).
  2. Limits on Filling Decorative Water Features: For decorative fountains and/or ornamental lakes and ponds, do not refill more than one foot, or what is needed to sustain aquatic life.
  3. Limits on Washing Vehicles: Consider not washing your car at home, 而是在利用循环水或再循环水系统来捕获或再利用水的商业洗车设施.
  4. Limits on washing sidewalks or structures: Refrain from washing the side of your home, sidewalks, walkways, driveways, patios and other hard-surfaced, non-porous areas.
  5. Watch for excessive runoff: Make sure your sprinklers are working properly and not watering the street vs. your lawn or greenery.
  6. Visually check your sprinklers: Twice a month, look for broken sprinkler heads and other possible sources of water waste.

Conservation is a California way of life. We can all tackle the environmental impact together. 在平台登录确定抗旱计划并获得加州公用事业委员会批准后,将提供更多信息.

Review our FAQs to learn more about the drought. 

June 9, 2021

2021年6月9日,Valley Water宣布了影响圣克拉拉县的强制性限水措施.

Valley Water is asking for a 15% reduction from 2019 levels. 圣克拉拉县很可能会根据山谷水公司的公告宣布干旱紧急状态.

What does this mean for our customers?

平台登录正在制定一项计划,以满足客户在抗旱方面的需求,并将尽快分享这一信息. 请注意,加州公用事业委员会必须在任何强制性保护计划生效之前批准.

Steps SJW currently takes to conserve water:

In addition, SJW has several ways to help with conservation,包括免费的节水参观、节水园艺信息和节约用水小贴士.

Andy Gere, SJW President and Chief Operating Officer, 他说:“平台登录的客户一直以持续和一致的努力回应节约用水的呼吁. It’s a strong partnership and SJW is ready to help as we face another drought.”